Feature idea (LEVEL 2)
In the older version off Buzz, I could move between gradebooks of various sections with 2 clicks. Now in the Next Buzz it takes me 4 clicks to do the same thing. Here is a video to show what I mean https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cF1i0GFc07 I hope that Agilix can have that feature working like it was in older version of Buzz as I have talked to other online teachers and they use that functionality frequently as well.
Comments (8)
Hello Sue!
Unfortunately the screencast link that was provided does not seem to load for me. But I do thank you for taking the time to provide feedback and your desire to make Buzz even better! We will take this feedback into consideration!
I just tested the link again and it worked for me. https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cF1i0GFc07
I am able to see the video now. There was a space at the end of the URL that caused video to not work. I have noted the steps it takes to access other course gradebooks from within the gradebook. We will take this suggestion into consideration!
I agree! I have 16 sections of classes, with A/B/Honors/CR, and this is such a time waste for me!! I too would appreciate a fix to this.
I agree! Please add this feature back soon!
Any update on this? This would be a great feature!
Can the previous method be incorporated in Buzz? I am trying to be more efficient. The less clicks the better. Teachers would use the feature a lot to move from one gradebook to another in less clicks.