Buzz API

Set custom assignment to Needs Grading

Jordan Bender

This is basically a repeat of this question I asked a few years ago, but it was marked as answered so I didn't think reviving it would get a response.

I've created a custom SCO assignment and I need to set it to Needs Grading and have it show up in the teachers grading queue. The answer from the previous thread mentioned that I need to not send a grade/score through. I've tried all sorts of combinations of things and I haven't found the right combination.

These are the different things I've tried with different values.

api.SetValue("cmi.score.max", "");
api.SetValue("cmi.score.min", "");
api.SetValue("cmi.completion_status", "");

Does anyone know what exactly needs to be sent for it to be set to Needs Grading?

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Brian Williams
  • Agilix team member

Hi Jordan! 

The intended design philosophy of SCO objects in the SCORM standard is to automate grading and completion tracking, rather than marking activities for manual grading by a teacher.

It's not impossible in the general sense, but per specific application, making a SCO object attempt to send API calls of PutTeacherResponses to set the grade status as Needs Grading will be a challenging endeavor and isn't a workflow that we generally provide support for. 

Here are some documents from the SCO standards that may be of value:
See: SCORM 1.2
See: SCORM 2004

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Jordan Bender

We've made a number of assignment that automatically grade and they work great.

I played around with PutTeacherResponses but couldn't get it to do what we needed so I wasn't planning on using that for this specific assignment.

For this particular assignment we need students to fill out a exercise log. The previous version of this assignment required students to fill out the log in a Google Doc and submit that. For this new version we were hoping to avoid that. We created a custom assignment using SCORM to save their work each time they needed to fill it out. But it needs to be reviewed by the teacher before receiving a score. We also wanted to create a custom assignment so that we could also include some additional information on the page like the enrollment start date.  I know the intended purpose is to automate grading, I was just hoping there was some sort of way to flag it as needs grading. There doesn't appear to be an easy way to do that so we will likely go back to the Google Doc.

Thanks for you help!

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