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my course says incomplete while I have completed the tasks?

Meskerem Mulugetta
The thing is the other modules have check marks, all of them say 10/10 but the first course that says 7 habit promise is the only one that says 0/10 I don't know why because I have gone through it multiple times and I don't see the "continue" button. What should I do? Also the at the end of the 7 habit promise course it says ' you have completed this course' but it still reads 0/10 on the list of courses while others are 10/10

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Trevor Williams
  • Agilix team member

Good morning, Meskerem!

This post was directed to the maker of the online education environment being used.

I recommend reaching out to your teacher or online education institution to address the reported behavior as they will be better suited to address this behavior. 

Thank you!

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