It is possible that some users may encounter performance issues related to the recent incidents that may cause that behavior, including this morning. Since our investigation is ongoing into the incidents reported, we recommend users continue to try again until they are successful in submitting their feedback to students. Rest assured we are working diligently to help prevent those behaviors reported.
I am reporting that teachers continue to have issues. Specifically, Buzz signs out on them while actively reviewing assignments. An error message shows "logged out due to inactivity" even though they were working.
Thank you for updating us on the latest news on this!
From the example of the message the user encountered in your latest comment, that can occur if the activity is using an LTI service and the user's actions remain within the frame of the activity. In that scenario, if the domain is using an idle timeout, it will not reset the count while the user performs actions within the frame of the LTI activity and could expire while the user is working on the activity.
To confirm that, could you provide me with the enrollment ID and activity ID where the user encountered the message "logged out due to inactivity"?
Comments (3)
Hello Eldon!
I am sorry to hear that this has been occurring.
It is possible that some users may encounter performance issues related to the recent incidents that may cause that behavior, including this morning. Since our investigation is ongoing into the incidents reported, we recommend users continue to try again until they are successful in submitting their feedback to students. Rest assured we are working diligently to help prevent those behaviors reported.
I am reporting that teachers continue to have issues. Specifically, Buzz signs out on them while actively reviewing assignments. An error message shows "logged out due to inactivity" even though they were working.
Thank you for updating us on the latest news on this!
From the example of the message the user encountered in your latest comment, that can occur if the activity is using an LTI service and the user's actions remain within the frame of the activity. In that scenario, if the domain is using an idle timeout, it will not reset the count while the user performs actions within the frame of the LTI activity and could expire while the user is working on the activity.
To confirm that, could you provide me with the enrollment ID and activity ID where the user encountered the message "logged out due to inactivity"?