We've been struggling with how to email groups of kids and email their observers at the same time.
Elizabeth Laba created a quick list in the clipboard tool for all of her students who were choosing the dual credit option for her course and can send email via the clipboard tool, but she can't include the observers.
Request #1: The clipboard mail tool should include an observer option.
We then had the great idea of creating a group in the course and using the group to email through the communication tool itself where we know the observer option exists. Unfortunately, we couldn't get the group to show up as an option for the To line in the communication tool.
Request #2: The communication tool should allow you to select groups within a course for sending email.
Side request: We would like the clipboard tool to have a feature to automatically create a group from the selected students or allow the people tool to allow you to create a group from the students in the clipboard.
Comments (4)
Coming from the elementary level, we 100% agree. Because of the age of our students, nearly all of our communication involves the parents.
Request #1: This functionality is actually already in the platform. Last week's update did introduce a bug where the drop down wasn't displaying from the clipboard, however it is being resolved in the update tomorrow.
Request #2 and side request: Thank you for this feedback on improvements to the workflow. These will be passed along to our product team for further consideration.
Thanks for clarifying, Scott. I thought it had been there before, but was stumped when I was working with Elizabeth and couldn't find it. Thanks for passing along the other requests. I think they provide a lot of additional flexibility within the system.
How would I go about using request 1? I have 3 students I have added to the clipboard quick list. Using the messages tab, only the student emails are shown in the "To:" box. How can I add the observers?
If I use the communication tool to send email, I cannot select only students and observers from the quicklist in the dropdown menu.
Can an observer option be added to the clipboard screen (below)?
Update 11/2: The dropdown menu is appearing as expected.