Buzz: Product Feedback

Activity Grader suggestion

Feature idea (LEVEL 1)
Bruce Sharp

I often enter grades for several assignments at a sitting. I generally use the activity grader window to enter scores. After entering student scores for a particular assignment, I have to click return to gradebook then scroll over several screens to find the next assignment to open the activity grader again.

Could you please put a button in the menu bar of the activity grader that would take me directly to the next/previous assignment in the gradebook? That would be a great time-saver for me.

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Bruce Sharp

This would still be a great addition for you to put in the new UI!

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Brian Williams
  • Agilix team member

Hey Bruce!

Thank you for the provided feedback! Though the following process isn't for moving to the next activity, currently one may toggle between students using the item grader. This can be done if the teacher selects the item name at the top of the column within the teacher's gradebook, select a student from the list to bring up the item grader, at the top right of the page will be a direction arrow next to the student name that will allow the teacher to toggle between students whereby they can enter scores for that particular activity. 

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Bruce Sharp

Thanks for the suggestion Brian. That ability is definitely useful sometimes. I think most teachers, though, are more likely to have as stack of one assignment from all students. In this case it would be much quicker to go through the list of students to enter grades, then jump to the next assignment to enter scores for all students.

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I agree with Bruce. It would be very helpful to have a previous/back button when you are in the activity grader to enter an entire class of grades with multiple assignments. 

Thank you for your consideration. :)

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