Buzz: Product Feedback

iPad error 403

Brandy Crider
I keep getting error 403 after I get logged in and try to open course work. I have cleared cache, tried 2 pads, used chrome and safari issue is both browsers. Apple support said it was a website issue and nothing on my side. Any way to fix?

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Brian Williams
  • Agilix team member

Hello Brandy! 

I am sorry to hear that you have encountered unexpected behavior while trying to access coursework. That is frustrating! 

A 403 error means in general that the request to load content in Buzz was received but was prevented from performing the action. There can be multiple causes for this reported behavior that would require more in-depth analysis. One example is if the activities are using LTI and there is a cookie issue with loading the contents of it. The workaround in that example is to change the activity settings in Buzz to launch the activity in a new window. 

I recommend that you report this behavior to your online education institution and if needed, they may escalate it through their regular support representative channels to Agilix Support.

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