Buzz: Questions & Answers

Domain Settings: Login Page Background

Laura Green
I'm trying to set a background for the domain log in page but the graphic shows up to the top left and leaves white space down and to the right. I've played around the the size but can't get it to fill in the white space or to scale when you zoom in and out. I've tried uploading the file and using the pictures url but the same problems com up regardless. Has anyone successfully customized the background of the log in page like they show in the 'How do I customize my domain's brand, styles, and themes?" article:

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Trevor Williams
  • Agilix team member

Good morning Laura! I hope you are having a great week so far!

If styles are being used within an HTML file, then auto parameters may need to be defined for padding and margin. If an image was inserted, then the size of the image may need to be edited. If you can please provide me with your domain page, that will help me to further investigate. Alternatively, you are also welcome to reach out to your authorized support contact and if needed they can then submit a ticket to Agilix support.

If your have any further questions with this, please feel free to let me know and I will be happy to address them! 

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Laura Green

The url is  I tried to add it as a jpeg which didn't work so ended up choosing URL and using this: (   I'm not a programmer by any means so figuring out how to make it stretch and reduce to match the screen size of whoever is viewing was beyond my abilities.  I'm guessing the auto parameters being defined is what is missing but I haven't any idea of how to do that within that HTML that possible to do?

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Trevor Williams
  • Agilix team member

Hello Again Laura!

I would recommend uploading the image using the Text option in the Login page field of the Domain Settings. You can then select the Edit button and modify the image's dimensions (see attached screenshot): There is also the option to define Auto for the dimensions if desired.     

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