Buzz: Product Feedback

Lockdown browsers for tests

Feature idea (LEVEL 1)
Jodi Hook

Hi all

I would like for Buzz to create a lockdown brower for when students are taking tests. Google and Google Translate pages are just a click away.  A student can easily access answers to questions on tests because teachers cannot be looking at everyone's screen at the same time.  I would like to have Buzz to have the ability to automatically shut down if a student goes to another browser window while they are in test mode.  

Comments (40)

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Laurie-Ann Wyse

This is a must in the digital classroom.  We cannot be there to monitor their tests.

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

Thank you, Northstar faculty and others, for your feedback and suggestions.

At this time we are unable to address all of these enhanced security features as the major browsers do not support each of them. While Respondus, a paid-for browser, does provide similar functionality they have not chosen to integrate with us, yet. Also, this browser does not work with all BYOD models where the student may choose any OS platform and may not be supported by the browser. 

Until further options become available, we would recommend using proctors (parents/guardians, counselors, coaches, testing centers) for  assessments that need enhanced integrity (high-stakes).

If any of you would be interested in having a more in-depth conversation about this, I would encourage you to reach out to your account manager.

Have a great day,

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Anita Walters

This would be a very helpful feature. 

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Aaron Profitt

It appears Otus addressed this with a special browser students download:

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Melissa Moreno

Interesting! The competition can do what Agilix claims that they can not. Very interesting!

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Emily Nichols

Wow!  That's exactly what we need.


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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

Hey Aaron and Melissa:

Yes, Otus, has built an integration with Respondus's Lockdown Browser, which I referred to above. Agilix did not claim we cannot do this, but said that the major browsers we have chosen to support and work with (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari) do not support this type of functionality. 

Since Respondus has not elected to have Buzz as an "out of the box" integration, us building the integration would need to be coordinated with your account manager. I would encourage any of you wanting this type of integration to reach out to your account manager and discuss the options and possibilities.

Thank you for your input!

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Aaron Profitt

Thanks, Brad! That's helpful to know Otus used the same solution you had mentioned -- I did not realize this. And I didn't mean to imply Agilix had claimed it was not possible!


Do you think it would be helpful if Buzz users let Respondus know of our interest? 

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

If your institution was interested in using Lockdown Browser, I would definitely recommend letting Respondus know. I know that this kind of customer demand has caused some of our other partners to make changes to facilitate better integration.

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Jill Daignault

Greetings!  With how rapidly things have changed since the last discussions regarding this topic, and with the rise of online learners working exclusively at home due to the pandemic, has test integrity and the idea of a lockdown feature been revisited by Agilix and anything new on the horizon?

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