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How do I update multiple course settings at once (Bulk update)?

Buzz allows you to update certain course components in bulk. There are two types of Bulk updates:

  • Update Field values allows you to directly change select fields in multiple courses at once.
  • Apply Template settings allows you to create a template course that has the settings you want and apply them to multiple courses at once.

Update Field values

Buzz lets you bulk update the following Field values for your courses:

  • Type of enrollment schedule (range or continuous)
  • Days the course should be available for students if you choose continuous
  • Start date
  • End date

To do so:

  1. Open the Courses tool.
  2. Check the boxes for the courses you want to update and select Bulk update from the More menu.
  1. On the Field values tab, you can edit the following settings by checking the appropriate box and editing the field:
    • Type of enrollment schedule (range or continuous)
    • Days the course should be available for students if you choose continuous
    • Start date
    • End date
  2. Bulk updates are permanent and should be handled carefully to ensure you are editing the correct courses. Because of this, Buzz requires you to check the box reading:
    • I have verified that the courses I am about to permanently update are the correct ones, and I confirm that I want to update them with the field values shown above.
  3. Once you have checked this box, click Update and the updates are applied to the courses you selected, above.

Apply Template settings

If your domain has defined template courses, you can apply settings from an existing course template:

To do so:

  1. Open the Courses tool.
  2. Check the boxes for the courses you want to update and select Bulk update from the More menu.
  1. In the Template tab, select the template with the settings you want from the dropdown.
  2. Check the boxes next to the settings you want.
  3. Bulk updates are permanent and should be handled carefully to ensure you are editing the correct courses. Because of this, Buzz requires you to check the box reading:
    • I have verified that the courses I am about to permanently update are the correct ones, and I confirm that I want to update them with the field values shown above.
  4. Once you have checked this box, click Update and the settings are applied to the courses you selected, above.

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