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Note: Release note articles reflect the state of the product on the date they are originally published. Always note the date in the title when reviewing content and follow the links in the notes to articles that are kept current.
Weekly release notes for all of the products in our Agilix Learning Suite (Buzz + Publish Anywhere, TutorKit, and Dawn).
Buzz Release Notes
A round-up of all improvements and changes to the Buzz platform version v3.0.429, available on December 5, 2024.
Buzz updates
In this release, we:
- Added clarification text to the Grade Editor that appears when assigning a score for a single student in a group assignment to informs graders that the score edits apply only to the selected student, while messages are sent to the entire group.
- Updated Messages prompt in the Grade editor that appears when grading a group assignment to inform graders that messages are sent to all group members.
Buzz fixes
In this release, we also:
- Resolved a style issue where sometimes icons on assessment footer buttons would get clipped.
- Fixed a style issue in the SIS Sync screen where some labels overlapped in certain languages.
- Removed the folder title from the choice activities dialog in the syllabus editor as it was unnecessary.
Buzz APIs
Updates in version 2024.12.5.2445.
Additions, Removal, or Changes:
- None.
- None.
New and updated articles
- Assignment activity editor (updated)
- What can I print in Buzz? (updated)
- How do I print assessments for students to complete? (updated)
TutorKit Release Notes
A round-up of all improvements and changes to the TutorKit platform available on December 5, 2024.
No updates
TutorKit courses
Enroll in our free Effective online tutoring course!
Dawn Release Notes
A round-up of all improvements and changes to the Dawn platform version 2024.1204.215933 available on December 5, 2024.
Invitation Links make it easy for learners to enroll
Dawn's new customizable Invitation links make it easy to invite learners to enroll in catalog entries whether they've joined your site previously or not!
Invitations include custom overviews of the entry and walk learners through the steps they need to complete.
Learn more: How do I create invitation and registration links for learners?
Dawn updates
In this release, we also:
- Updated automatic translation to support longer blocks of text.
- Fixed issues with Stripe.
- Fixed catalog scrollbar issues.