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Which Buzz screens are mobile responsive?

Buzz is designed to be used with a minimum screensize of 1024 px. However, the following screens are mobile responsive at widths under 800 px to enhance teacher and student experiences:

Announcements on mobile

When using the Announcements tool on screens narrower than 800 px, students and teachers have the same filter tools and teachers can still create, edit, and delete announcements.

When you open Announcements on a phone, Buzz shows you a list of the announcements.

Click on the announcement to view it.

When you select an announcement, that announcement takes up the whole screen, so you can easily read it.

Click the back arrow to return to the list of announcements.

Inbox on mobile

When using the Inbox on screens narrower than 800 px, students and teachers have the same filters and tools and can still read and send messages.

When you open the Inbox, you are shown a list of all message threads. You can filter them by Course, Folder, or Recipient (teachers only).

Click on a message thread to review the messages.

When you select a message thread, the messages take up the whole screen. You can Reply from here.

Click the back arrow to return to the Inbox home.

Grade details on mobile

The student Grade details screen has two panels:

  1. The left panel includes scores, submission history, analytics, and other details about the activity and score.
  2. The right panel includes feedback Messages from the teacher about the activity.

When you use Grade details on a screen narrower than 800 px, you can view each panel separately. When you open it, the left panel is shown. You can scroll up and down or left and right to review the content.

Click the forward arrow to open the Messages panel.

On this screen, you can review Messages and, If Inbox has been enabled in your domain, you can also message your teachers.

Click the back arrow to return to the previous panel.

Grade editor on mobile

The Grade editor is split into two panels:

  1. The student panel on the left.
  2. The grading panel on the right.

When you use the Grade editor on a screen narrower than 800 px, you can view each panel separately. When you open it, the student panel is shown. You can scroll up and down or left and right to review the content and do everything you can do on a larger screen.

Click the forward arrow to view the grading panel.

In the grading panel, you can grade, send messages, and complete any of the other tasks you can complete on a larger screen.

Click the back arrow to return to the student panel.


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