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Note: Release note articles reflect the state of the product on the date they are originally published. Always note the date in the title when reviewing content and follow the links in the notes to articles that are kept current.
Buzz Release Notes
A round-up of all improvements and changes to the Buzz platform version v3.0.415, available on September 3, 2024.
Buzz updates
In this release, we:
- Increased character limit for Messages sent from Grade editor, Grade details (beta), and Inbox (beta) from 10KB to 30KB.
- Added the ability to use the Shift key to select multiple message threads in the Inbox (beta). To do so, select a message thread by checking it's box, then hold Shift and check the box next to a thread above or below. All threads between are selected.
Buzz fixes
In this release, we also fixed an issue where a student enrolled in only one course would get an error when sending a message from Inbox (beta).