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Agilix Learning Suite Release Notes

Agilix Learning Suite Release Notes (2024-08-30) - Teachers can insert feedback templates from the rich text editor

  • Updated:
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Buzz Release Notes


A round-up of all improvements and changes to the Buzz platform version v3.0.414, available on August 29, 2024.

With yesterday's release of Messages in the Grade editor, the Feedback templates tool that teachers use when grading was relocated. Teachers can still create and insert feedback Templates in the Grade editor, and all previously created templates are still available.

To find and insert your templates, click the Insert template tool in the Messages rich text editor.

You can click on any template to insert it, adding as many as you want. Hold Shift and click on a template to insert it and automatically close the popup.

Learn more: How do I create and use Feedback templates with replacement variables?


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