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Note: Release note articles reflect the state of the product on the date they are originally published. Always note the date in the title when reviewing content and follow the links in the notes to articles that are kept current.
Weekly release notes for all of the products in our Agilix Learning Suite (Buzz + Publish Anywhere, TutorKit, and Dawn).
Buzz Release Notes
A round-up of all improvements and changes to the Buzz platform in version v3.0.378 available on February 1, 2024.
Buzz updates
In this release, we made the Password field optional when creating users from the Admin > Users and Import users screens for use by single sign-on (SSO) users. Users without passwords can sign into Buzz only with SSO..
Buzz fixes
In this release, we also:
- Fixed an issue in the Clipboard where previewing an assessment from Supplemental material would not display the assessment’s questions.
- Fixed an issue where printing from Buzz would cut off the end of the final page.
- [Firefox-specific] Resolved an issue in the Course settings > Standards-based grading > Proficiency levels screen where a dot was showing on the Color selector palette.
- Fixed an issue in the Editor > Course settings screen where users couldn't save changes if they selected a School year that had a long entry.
- [Edge-specific] Updated the Change password field to hide a reveal password icon generated when using Edge browser.
- Updated the Main menu > Courses menu to list a past course at the top, followed by current courses listed in the order defined by the teacher.
- Updated long values in the School year field to truncate when necessary.
- Fixed an issue where the Clear filters button on the People page was overlapping with the table.
- Updated long course titles in the Gradebook > Unit summary screen to truncate when necessary.
- Fixed an issue where the Scale tool and Close and Print buttons were not appearing on the Student > Grades > Printer-friendly view.
- Fixed an issue where an extra vertical scrollbar was appearing in the Student > Grades > Printer-friendly view.
- Updated long student names to wrap in the Grade details, Grade editor > Score history, and Grade editor > Submission history screens when needed.
- Updated long student names to truncate on the Activity Grader Previous and Next student buttons.
- Fixed an issue where the Gradebook > Sync grades page was not filling the whole screen.
Buzz APIs
Updates in version 2024.2.1.1863.
Additions, Removal, or Changes:
- None
- None
New and updated articles
TutorKit Release Notes
A round-up of all improvements and changes to the TutorKit platform available on February 1, 2024.
No updates
TutorKit courses
Enroll in our free Effective online tutoring course!
Dawn Release Notes
A round-up of all improvements and changes to the Dawn platform in version 2024.0131.031031, available on February 1, 2024.
In this release, we made updates to fix and prevent possible corruption issues with some video transcripts.