Note: Release note articles reflect the state of the product on the date they are originally published. Always note the date in the title when reviewing content and follow the links in the notes to articles that are kept current.
Weekly release notes for all of the products in our Agilix Learning Suite (Buzz + Publish Anywhere, TutorKit, and Dawn).
Buzz Release Notes
A round-up of all improvements and changes to the Buzz platform in version v3.0.371 available on December 14, 2023.
Buzz fixes
In this release, we also:
- Fixed an issue in assessments where question numbers would overlap the question when using an Activity theme with the question number position set to Top left.
- Adjusted layout in the Administrator > Import tool, so the tools are always visible onscreen.
- Updated a third-party to resolve an issue that caused links inserted in Agendas to appear at the beginning the sentence a user's cursor was placed in rather than where the cursor was placed.
- Fixed a style issue where the sorting arrow in the Score column of the For me screen was getting cut off horizontally.
Buzz APIs
Updates in version 2023.12.13.1776
Additions, Removal, or Changes:
- None
- None
New and updated articles for Buzz
TutorKit Release Notes
A round-up of all improvements and changes to the TutorKit platform available on December 14, 2023.
No updates
TutorKit courses
Enroll in our free Effective online tutoring course!
Dawn Release Notes
A round-up of all improvements and changes to the Dawn platform in version 2023.1213.190037 available on December 14, 2023.
Dawn updates
In this release, we updated the layout of the Category selector in the Catalog.