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How do I integrate my domain with LTI 1.1 and 1.3 tools (like Turnitin and Google Assignments) with Buzz?

  • Updated:

Note: If you are trying to integrate with Publish Anywhere, use the instructions here.

Buzz allows you to integrate entire domains with LTI tools (like Turnitin and Google Assignments), so that teachers and other course authors can link to LTI activities.

Configure LTI 1.1 tools

Note: Buzz has actively supported IMS Global's LTI specification since it was created in 2010. Buzz is an 1EdTech-certified (formerly IMS) LTI 1.1 learning platform, which allows you to access other LTI-certified tools from within Buzz.

In 2019, 1EdTech (formerly IMS announced that its LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage specifications, which provide additional functionality and security, would replace the soon-to-be deprecated LTI 1.1 specification. Buzz continues to support LTI 1.1, and is also now an 1EdTech-certified (formerly IMS) platform for LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage.

How do I migrate from LTI 1.1 to LTI 1.3?

For LTI 1.1 tool links, domain administrators configure Buzz by adding an LTI 1.1 Tool in Domain settings. The tool definition includes a DNS hostname (such as, a public key, and a shared secret.

  1. Open the vertical menu in the toolbar of Domain Details.  
  2. Select Domain Settings.
  1. On the LTI 1.1 tools card, click Add.
  2. Provide:
    • The Hostname; use the URL that matches your location:
      • UK users:
      • All other users:
    • The LTI Key (your Turnitin account number)
    • The account Secret (configured by your Turnitin administrator in the Turnitin LTI integration setup).
    • Note: To integrate other LTIs, follow these same steps using the proper information. Consumer Keys and Shared Secrets are generated for individual institutions. Your institution should have the necessary information. 
  3. Save.

If you administer multiple Buzz domains, you must configure this tool in each domain from which you launch the tool links.

A course author/instructor can also configure a tool on a single activity by providing a key and secret directly on the activity. This lets the instructor use a personal account for the tool without having to contact an administrator to configure a domain-wide credential.

Configure LTI 1.3 tools

Domain administrators configure Buzz for LTI 1.3 tools in Domain settings:

  1. Click Add on the LTI 1.3 tools card. 
  1. Provide the following:
    • Tool Title as you want it to appear.
    • A Description of the tool (optional).
    • A DNS Tool hostname (such as if you are integrating with Turnitin).
    • The following fields (provided by the LTI provider; you can search their help documentation for instructions on how to access this information):
      • OpenID connect login URL
      • Tool key set URL
      • Tool redirect URL (You can enter multiple URLs using comma-separated lists.)
    • In the User data sent at launch dropdown, check the boxes next to the user data you want included:
      • Given name
      • Family name
      • Display name
      • Email
  2. In the LTI services dropdown, check the boxes next to the services included in the tool:
    • Assignment and grade
    • Names and role provisioning
    • Deep linking (You can enter multiple URLs using comma-separated lists.)
      • To use deep linking, you need to get the Deep-linking redirect URL from the LTI Provider for the field that appears below. From some LTI Provider's, like Turnitin, this is called the Target Link URI.
  3. This section provides the values that the LTI provider needs; copy them with the Copy icon, and provide what is requested (review the LTI provider's help documentation to find out where to provide this).
  4. Some tools require additional POST parameters. You can add those using Add custom parameter during setup. Click the button and add the Parameter name and Value for each.
  5. Check the Domain-wide box to apply the integration to subdomains.
    • Example: If you administer a district domain that has several child domains that are schools, you can configure the tool in the district domain, check this box, and all courses in all the school domains can use the tool without manually configuring the tool in each school domain. (Note: This feature is not available in 1.1 tools.)
  6. Check the Enabled box to make the integration live; if this box is not checked, Buzz ignores the tool when launching links.
    • Note: Disabling and enabling an integration is not available in 1.1 tools.
  7. Click Done and Save the new settings.

Note: As each LTI provider has a different LTI setup process, you will need to review their help documentation to find find the information you need to provide in Buzz, and where to use the information you copied from Buzz.

If you're integrating with Google Assignments, you can find links to their steps in our article: How do I integrate Buzz with Google Assignments (LTI)?

Resizing and scroll settings for LTI tools

Coding required

These tasks require coding and should be completed by a developer.

Buzz supports postMessage Web APIs that support:

Resizing iframes from an LTI tool

Buzz hosts LTI tools in iframes. By default, Buzz creates an iframe that is a few pixels shorter than the height of Buzz's content area to maximize the viewing area for the tool while also giving a visual indicator that more Buzz UI appears below the LTI tool's iframe (navigation, peer-help, learning objective information, etc.)

Depending on the user's browser and monitor size, this may cause two vertical scrollbars to appear in Buzz, one in the iframe and one outside of it.

Buzz supports the postMessage Web API lti.frameResize that allows an LTI tool to communicate with Buzz to change the height of the iframe so that the tool's content can be rendered without a scrollbar inside the iframe. Learn more

Scrolling the LTI frame to the top

An LTI tool can include multiple pages within a single activity, but those tools don't always automatically scroll to the top of a page when the user navigates to it.

Buzz supports the postMessage Web API lti.scrollToTop that automatically scrolls the frame to the top of its container. Learn more

PostMessage Calls

Since Buzz and the LTI tools are hosted on different domains, we use the postMessage Web API to communicate between Buzz and the tool. The LTI tool calls postMessage on the top level window using with the target origin of ‘*’. This table summarizes the messages that the Buzz LTI Tool API defines:

Name Originator Data Description
lti.frameResize iframe {“subject”:
“height”: number}
LTI frame posts this message to resize the iframe. The subject field is the string lti.frameResize. The height field is a number (in pixels) for the height of the frame.
lti.scrollToTop iframe {“subject”:
LTI frame posts this message to tell Buzz to scroll the frame to the top of its container.

You can set window.logLtiMessages = true from the browser console to log messages to the console.


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