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How do I upload profile picture avatars?

  • Updated:

Admins can enable students to choose a profile picture from pre-approved avatars.

  • Recommended file type: PNG or JPG (Buzz converts all files into PNGs)
  • Ideal size: 300px x 300px (Buzz automatically resizes images, so uploading images smaller than 300px x 300px may reduce quality)

To upload avatar images:

  1. Open the vertical menu in the toolbar of Domain Details.  
  2. Select Domain Settings.
  1. Click Add under Avatars.
  2. Click the upload icon.
  1. Click Choose File, find  and select the image file on your computer. Provide the file a name other than the filename if you want and choose the Destination folder in Buzz for the file.
  2. Upload and Save the new Domain Settings.

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  • If you've already uploaded a file that you want to use as an avatar, navigate to it in the Select Resource window and click Select.

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