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How do I use the Users tool?

  • Updated:

Users tool

From the Users tool you can manage your domain users information. The default screen displays users in the domain and allows you to:

  1. Search users (check the box to limit your search results to Active users only).
  2. Click the New [plus sign] button to Create new users.
  3. Use the vertical menu in the toolbar to Import, bulk update, delete, and restore users.
  4. Click a User ID to access and edit a student's User screens (described below).

Users screens

Selecting a user from the Users tool by clicking their User ID opens their users screens. The users screens include eight-to-nine tabs that allow you to access and manage a user's:

User Details screen

The user Details screen allows you to review the user's information and:

  1. Edit and Save names, email, external IDs, descriptions, accommodations, and other details.
    • Note: If you know the user's email address is accurate, you can verify it.
  2. Set up the student's Accommodations and Individualized education program (IEP).
  3. Use the vertical menu in the toolbar to:
  4. Save changes.

User Performance screen

The Performance screen lists the courses a user is or has been enrolled in with an overview of their overall score, Self assessment, and progress.

Click a course to access the Student grade screen where you can:

  • Review activity performance
  • Edit scores
  • Review the student's Inbox
  • Print informal transcripts (if you have appropriate permissions)


History allow admins to review changes made to users.

  1. Click the View options to see the old and new values.
  2. Click Changes to see changed settings.
  3. Click Details to see current settings.

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