Buzz allows users to self-register their accounts and be automatically enrolled into defined courses
In order to set this up, you need to edit your Domain Settings and create a token using the Agilix API. When enabled, this feature allows users to create an account from Buzz's sign in screen by providing first and last name, email, password, and a code (the token you create).
Edit Domain Settings
- Open the vertical menu in the toolbar of Domain Details.
- Select Domain Settings.
- Check the Allow users to create their own accounts box in the Authentication cards. This option is not available with single-sign on configurations.
- Save.
Create the token
To create a token (code) for the user to use upon registration:
- Use the
API command to update your domain. - Choose your preferred registration action:
- Create user and enroll into defined course(s)
<commandtoken scopeentityid="//userspace" description="Create account and enroll into multiple courses" allowunauthenticatedredemption="true" codelength="6">
<request cmd="createusers2">
<user username="$email$" password="$password$" firstname="$first$" lastname="$last$" email="$email$" domainid="//userspace"></user>
<request cmd="createenrollments" disallowduplicates="true">
<enrollment domainid="//userspace" entityid="courseid" userid="//userspace//$email$" flags="131073" status="1" schema="2"/>
Note: Replace each userspace value (login prefix for the domain the user will register at) and courseid value (ID of the course) the user is to be enrolled in. Also, you can copy the <enrollment> element to enroll the user into multiple courses. Simply have a unique courseid value for each <enrollment>.
- Create user only
<commandtoken scopeentityid="//userspace" description="Create account" allowunauthenticatedredemption="true" codelength="6">
<request cmd="createusers2">
<user username="$email$" password="$password$" firstname="$first$" lastname="$last$" email="$email$" domainid="//userspace"></user>
Note: Replace the userspace value (login prefix for the domain the user will register at).
- Post the API command.
- Note: Copy the command token code value.
- Share the URL for the login page and the code that the user is supposed to use upon registration.