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Mastery Reports: Glossary

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Use this table to help you read and analyze the data returned in the Mastery Reports.

Attribute Meaning
achieved The average number of weighted points achieved for the objective.
attempts The sum of the number of gradable attempts contributing to the achieved mastery-level calculation.
coverage The average number of items related to the objective.
formativeachieved The average number of formative weighted points achieved for the objective.
formativeattempts The sum of the number of formative attempts contributing to the formativeachievedformative-mastery-level calculation.
formativecoverage The average number of formative items related to the objective.
formativemastered The students that have mastered this objective using formative points.
formativenotattempted The students that have not attempted this objective's formative items.
formativenotmastered The students that have attempted but have not yet mastered this objective using formative points.
formativepossible The average number of formative weighted points possible for the objective.
formativeunweightedaverage The average unweighted average of the formative scores for the objective.
mastered The students that have mastered this objective.
notattempted The students that have not attempted this objective.
notmastered The students that have attempted but have not yet mastered this objective.
Objective The title or description of the learning objective.
Objective ID The ID of the learning objective assigned by the source of the objective set.
possible The average number of weighted points possible for the objective.
threshold The percent that demonstrates whether students have mastered a learning objective.
unweightedaverage The average unweighted average of the scores for the objective.

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