
Gradebook Reports: Glossary

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Use this table to help you read and analyze the data returned in the Gradebook Reports.

Element Attribute Meaning
Item achieved The sum of the achieved for all grades on this item.
completed The number of enrollments that have completed this item.
failing The number of grades on this item that have a failing score.
graded The number of enrollments that have a grade record for this item.
hasminutes The number of grades that have more than 0 minutes.
hasseconds The number of grades that have more than 0 seconds.
Item The title of the item.
Item ID The ID of the item.
minutes The sum of the minutes for all grades on this item. Each grade's seconds is rounded to the nearest minute.
possible The sum of the possible for all grades on this item.
rawachieved The sum of the rawachieved for all grades on this item.
rawpossible The sum of the rawpossible for all grades on this item.
score The sum of the score (achieved/possible) for all grades on this item.
scored The number of grades on this item that have a score.
seconds The sum of the seconds for all grades on this item.
unsubmitted The number of enrollments that have not made a submission.
Category achieved The sum of the achieved for all grades in this category.
Category The title of the category.
hasminutes The number of enrollments that have more than 0 minutes for this category.
hasseconds The number of enrollments that have more than 0 seconds for this category.
minutes The sum of the minutes for all grades in this category. Each grade's seconds is rounded to the nearest minute.
possible The sum of the possible for all grades in this category.
scored The number of enrollments that have a score for this category.
seconds The sum of the seconds for all grades in this category.
Period achieved The sum of the achieved for all grades in this period.
hasminutes The number of enrollments that have more than 0 minutes for this period.
hasseconds The number of enrollments that have more than 0 seconds for this period.
minutes The sum of the minutes for all grades in this period. Each grade's seconds is rounded to the nearest minute.
Period The title of the period.
possible The sum of the possible for all grades in this period.
seconds The sum of the seconds for all grades in this period.

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