Subscriptions allow sharing content between organizations.
How do subscriptions work in Buzz?
Setting up subscriptions that allow sharing content--either a single course a full domain--between organizations requires collaboration between a content provider, a subscriber, and Agilix Support.
- The subscriber is the organization that borrows the content.
- The content provider is the organization that shares that content.
Organizations can share content only if:
- The content is located in the content provider’s Agilix domain.
- The subscriber is an Agilix customer with a current customer domain,
- An agreement exists between parties, permitting content sharing.
In order for users to be able to access shared content, they either:
- Need to be users who are housed within the subscriber domain. This is the case with most teachers and content authors.
- Have to be given admin permissions to the subscriber domain. Having admin permissions to a domain above the subscriber domain does not give a user adequate permissions in the subscriber domains, so they need to be granted directly.
Once the subscription is set up:
- Shared courses and individual activities appear in the Digital library (entire courses appear only for administrators in the Digital library).
- Shared courses appear in the course creation wizard.
1. The subscriber requests domain access for the content provider
First, the content provider needs access to the subscriber's domain in order issue a subscription. To ensure security, the subscriber must ask Agilix Support to grant them this access.
To request domain access for the content provider, the subscriber must provide Agilix Support with:
- The subscriber’s domain name and ID.
- The content provider contact’s user name and ID.
Example request
Please provide [INSERT: content provider contact’s user name and ID] access to [INSERT: subscriber domain name and ID], so they can share content with our organization.
2. Agilix Support notifies both parties when access is granted
Agilix can give the content provider access to the subscriber's domain, but this is not the final step.
3. The content provider issues a subscription
Once they have access to the subscriber's domain, the content provider can issue a subscription to the subscriber’s entire domain or to select users within that domain. To learn more, visit How do I add subscribers to my domain? or How do I add subscribers to a course?
4. The subscriber accesses content
Subscribers can access content:
- With the course IDs provided by the content provider.
- Through the Digital library.
Use course IDs
When subscribers create new courses, they can copy courses from the content provider:
- Obtain course IDs for the desired courses from the content provider.
- Begin the process of creating a new course:
- Teachers: How do I create and manage my domain courses?
- Administrators: How do I create a course in Buzz?
- When setting up the new course, select the Copy from your domain option.
- Enter the course ID in the field and select the course.
- Finish creating your course.
Use the Digital library
When signed in as a teacher, the subscriber should see the content provider’s domain in their Digital Library alongside content providers like OpenEd.
- You can create subscriptions for content within your organization without Agilix's help.
- Domain subscriptions are inherited by subdomains and courses.