
How do I update my Google Drive for the new Buzz URL?

  • Updated:

As of November 2, 2017, we have updated our Google Drive integration. These directions still work, but do not represent the recommended approach.

Buzz allows districts and schools to enable a deep integration with Google Drive so users can submit and view documents directly in Buzz.

Once enabled, this integration is available for all users in the district. Teachers and students can use their own Google Drive account to submit and view files.

Update your Google settings for the new Buzz URL

To update the Buzz URL in Google settings:

  1. Sign into your Google account and open
  2. Click Use Google APIs  
Update your Google settings for the new Buzz URL
  1. Select your project from the dropdown and click Continue.
  2. Click the key (Credentials) icon in the left menu and select the client associated with Buzz or BrainHoney from the OAuth 2.0 client IDs list.
  1. Update the Name field if necessary.
  2. In the Authorized JavaScript origins fields, make sure you have the URLs for your domain entered:
    • http://[INSERT YOUR DOMAIN]
    • https://[INSERT YOUR DOMAIN]
    • https://[INSERT YOUR DOMAIN]
      • Note: This is only necessary if you using BrainHoney as well as Buzz.
    • http://[INSERT YOUR DOMAIN]
    • https://[INSERT YOUR DOMAIN]
  3. Save.
Update the Client ID in your Buzz Configuration

 To add the Client ID to Buzz:

  1. Open the vertical menu in the toolbar of Domain Details.  
  2. Select Domain Settings.
  1. Select Integrations and enter your Google Drive Client ID in the field under Google.
  2. Save.


  • To access your Client ID, follow steps 1-4 of the Update your Google settings for the new Buzz URL section.

Additional articles


  • When updating the Authorized JavaScript origins fields (step 6 above), notice that you keep your BrainHoney URL because Buzz uses some BrainHoney features; if you have a URL in the list, you can delete it.

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