Note: Release note articles reflect the state of the product on the date they are originally published. Always note the date in the title when reviewing content and follow the links in the notes to articles that are kept current.
Weekly release notes for all of the products in our Agilix Learning Suite (Buzz + Publish Anywhere, TutorKit, and Dawn).
New "Mark as missing" activity scoring option
Enhanced 1EdTech Common Cartridge importing of randomized choices and objectives
Buzz Release Notes
A round-up of all improvements and changes to the Buzz platform in version v3.0.365 available on October 19, 2023.
New "Mark as missing" activity scoring option
Teachers can now use a new Mark as missing scoring option in the Grade editor and Activity grader > Batch update tools, allowing them to easily track the missing status in their own Gradebook and other Grades screens.
The Mark as missing scoring option is designed to give teachers a way to alert students to a missing activity (or a missing part of an activity), usually to encourage the student to take some action to address it (retry where allowed, talk to the teacher, etc).
When Mark as missing is used for an activity:
- It is not marked as complete, so activities that require completion for access are not made accessible.
- A score can be assigned.
- An icon (clipboard with an exclamation point) appears with the activity in Grades screens to notify students and teachers.
- A Status: Missing message appears in the activities Grade details screens.
Using Mark as missing with other scoring actions
After Mark as missing has been assigned to an activity, any action taken by the student (like retrying the activity) or by the teacher (like submitting a score or using the other grading options in the Grade editor) automatically clears Mark as missing with an updated status.
This is because Mark as missing is intended to motivate a student to notice and address the problem of not completing work and a new action should indicate that this has happend. For example, if a teacher marks an activity as missing, and the student talks to the teacher and they decide together that the student will retry the activity. The teacher simply has to click Allow retry, and the missing status is removed.
As part of this update, we changed the Gradebook > Footer previously listed as Missing to Unsubmitted.
Enhanced 1EdTech Common Cartridge importing of randomized choices and objectives
We have enhanced the 1EdTech Common Cartridge (CC) importer to better support:
- Questions with randomized choices.
- Learning objectives with metadata.
Buzz fixes
In this release, we also:
- Resolved an issue with printing all pages of an assessment.
- [Firefox only] Fixed an issue where, after editing and saving an image for a student submission, the edits on the submission thumbnail would not appear until refresh.
- Fixed an issue in the Admin app where batch-updating scores from a student’s Grades page would sometimes display the User details screen afterwards instead of re-displaying the student’s Grades page.
- Removed text that was not intended to be displayed in the image editor when displaying it in the Dark color scheme.
Buzz APIs
Updates in version 2023.10.18.1636
Additions, Removal, or Changes:
- None
- None
New and updated articles for Buzz
- How do I post to a discussion? (updated)
- How do I use the Grade Editor? (updated)
- How do I use the Activity Grader? (updated)
- Custom activity editor (updated)
- Assessment activity editor (updated)
- Blog activity editor (updated)
- Wiki activity editor (updated)
- How do I create and use feedback templates with replacement variables? (updated)
- How do I Batch update an activity score for multiple students? (updated)
- How do I use the Performance/Gradebook tool? (updated)
- How do I print assessments for students to complete? (updated)
- What can I print in Buzz? (updated)
TutorKit Release Notes
A round-up of all improvements and changes to the TutorKit platform available on October 19, 2023.
No updates
TutorKit courses
Enroll in our free Effective online tutoring course!
Dawn Release Notes
A round-up of all improvements and changes to the Dawn platform in version 2023.1013.220701 available on October 19, 2023.
In this release we:
- Fixed bug with creating a new Video story.
- Fixed erroneous Fix errors below error message in transcript editor.
- Updated Dawn to automatically adjust times when changing transcript cues.
- Refactored routing to dynamically load components.
Try branching Video stories in Dawn!
Branching Video story interactions in Dawn can be created to allow learners to choose their own pathways when viewing and interacting with video content. At key moments in Video stories, learners are given multiple choice questions and their answers determine what content they see next. This makes instructional videos more engaging, allowing learners to explore according to their own interests, knowledge, and needs!
Learn more: How do I build branching Video Stories in Dawn?