
How do I set up PowerSchool SIS sync in my Buzz domain?

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Buzz supports SFTP roster syncing with PowerSchool through the 1EdTech (formerly IMS) OneRoster specification. The sync makes rostering easy and secure. Review all of Buzz's 1EdTech certifications

OneRoster is a 1EdTech specification for exchanging data between systems. Buzz supports OneRoster 1.1.

Only Buzz users with the Administrator role in the domain can set up and review SIS sync information.

Setting up an SIS sync requires working in both Buzz and PowerSchool at the same time, so it's best to have both systems open while doing it.

This article covers how to configure your PowerSchool SFTP rostering sync:

  1. In Buzz: Set up your Buzz SIS sync settings
  2. In PowerSchool: Add Agilix Buzz to the Remote Connection Manager
  3. In PowerSchool: Create a template for each OneRoster CSV file
  4. In PowerSchool: Schedule the OneRoster CSV files for export
  5. In Buzz: Review your sync Status report


This article references many of the steps outlined in the following PowerSchool articles:

Remote Connection Management

Data Export Manager

Manage My Templates

Managing Scheduled System Templates

In Buzz: Set up your Buzz SIS sync settings

First, set up your SIS sync settings in Buzz.

To do this, follow the Set up your SIS sync settings instructions in this article: How do I sync with Student Information Systems (SIS) in Buzz?

Note: Leave the boxes in the SIS settings [beta] card unchecked; this is not supported for PowerSchool syncs.

In PowerSchool: Add Agilix Buzz to the Remote Connection Manager

In order to set up your sync, you need to configure a secure remote connection between the two systems. You do this in PowerSchool by adding Buzz as a Remote connection.

In order to set it up, you need some information from Buzz:

To create the connection:

  1. Complete the Create Connection screen using the table in PowerSchool's Add a Remote Connection directions.
  2. In the Remote Path field, use your OneRoster CSV file path.
  3. If you are uploading files to Buzz, make sure to enable Allow upload.

In PowerSchool: Create a template for each OneRoster CSV file

Our PowerSchool SIS sync works through exporting specific OneRoster CSV files from PowerSchool and sending them via SFTP to Buzz. This allows for PowerSchool to send the individual files directly to Buzz instead of packaging them into a single .zip file.

The following six files are required:

  • academicSessions.csv
  • classes.csv
  • courses.csv
  • enrollments.csv
  • orgs.csv
  • users.csv

You need to create a template for each of these files.

Learn more: Manage My Templates

To help you with this, there is a PowerSchool plugin available in PowerSource Exchange that has templates for each of the required OneRoster CSV files.

Template plugin and installation instructions


  • Be sure to add any necessary filters in the Show Records step if you want to limit any data being shared.
  • You don't need to zip your files for upload; for this sync, you upload the individual files.

In PowerSchool: Schedule the OneRoster CSV files for export

Now that you have created templates for the necessary files, you can schedule them to be sent to Buzz.

The sync begins only when all six files have been received, and you have a six-hour window to share all of them. This means that if only some of the six files are shared and six hours pass before the rest are shared, the previously shared files are not recognized and the sync would not begin. You would have to re-share all of them.

As soon as all six files are received, the sync begins and a new set of files can be shared.

In Buzz: Review your sync Status report

Use Buzz's SIS Sync > Status screen to confirm the sync has been completed as expected: Review sync Status


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