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Starting today, we are combining all release notes for the products in our Agilix Learning Suite (Buzz + Publish Anywhere, TutorKit, and Dawn) in one, weekly release update.
If you previously subscribed to release notes for one or more of these products, your subscription will continue here.
Note: Release note articles reflect the state of the product on the date they are originally published. Always note the date in the title when reviewing content and follow the links in the notes to articles that are kept current.
Rostering support using OneRoster APIs [Beta]
You can now bulk edit student submissions settings!
TutorKit Release Notes
No updates
Added shuffle choices feature to Choice and Multiple answer interactions
Buzz Release Notes
A round-up of all improvements and changes to the Buzz platform in version v3.0.352 available on August 3, 2023.
Rostering support using OneRoster APIs [Beta]
Buzz's SIS sync now supports easier rostering through direct system exchanges using OneRoster REST APIs!
Learn more: How do I sync with Student Information Systems (SIS) in Buzz?
You can now bulk edit student submissions settings!
The Assignment activity type allows you to ask student to add specific types of attachements as part their activity submission. These activities are designed to guide students of any age to easily create or upload one or more of the following: Comments (text entry), Files, Google files, Images, Drawings, Audio, Video, Web addresses, Student annotations.
Now you can update these settings for multiple activities at once using Buzz's Bulk edit tool!
Learn more:
In this release, we also:
- Fixed an issue in the Activity editor > Activity tab > Attachments card > Add attachment dialog where the Add attachment button would remain enabled when it should not have been.
- Fixed an issue where entries in the SIS > Status panel were getting clipped on the bottom.
- Fixed an error where the Choose Google file button would randomly report an Unable to communicate with Google error when clicked.
- Fixed an issue where, in domains using SSO, the Login button was appearing transparent when it shouldn't have.
- Fixed an issue where the Edit and Delete buttons for messages in the Communications tool were getting clipped.
Updates in version 2023.7.31.1516
Additions, Removal, or Changes:
- Enhanced item and resource APIs to indicate if it has been modified by an LTI tool provider.
- None.
New and updated articles
- [Beta] How do I set up Grade passback for my SIS sync (with OneRoster)? (updated)
- How do I sync with Student Information Systems (SIS) in Buzz? (updated)
Note: The Buzz UI updates from 7/13 impact many of the screenshots in our documentation, and we haven't included all of those updated articles here. If you need a full list of the articles impacted by this change for your own documentation purposes, please contact Ryan at
Dawn Release Notes
A round-up of all improvements and changes to the Dawn platform in version v2023.0802.225100 available on August 3, 2023.
Added shuffle choices feature to Choice and Multiple answer interactions
Authors can now Shuffle choices in Choice and Multiple answer interactions. When checked, the choices are shuffled for learners every time the question is shown.
Each time the learner clicks Reset in the question, the choices reshuffle.
Other updates
In this release, we also:
- Updated all links in Dawn to open in a new browser tab.
- Fixed an issue where pasting an image into content would not always display the image.