Say 👋 hello to BusyBee, your AI-powered learning & teaching companion for Buzz. Learn more!
A round-up of all improvements and changes to the Buzz platform in version v3.0.351 available on July 20, 2023.
Note: Release note articles reflect the state of the product on the date they are originally published. Always note the date in the title when reviewing content and follow the links in the notes to articles that are kept current.
Coming soon to Buzz!
We announce significant upcoming features and changes in a standalone Coming soon article that appears at the top of the What's new section.
Assessment template updates
We have been rolling out various security updates for Assessment templates. None of these updates are expected to have negative effects. Interested partners can reach out to Agilix Support to request that the features be enabled on a domain for advanced preview and testing.
In this release, we:
- Updated assessment templates to automatically load MathJax libraries, so customers don't have to.
- Updated Multiple answer inline questions to mark correct/incorrect answers in the same way as all other Multiple answer questions.
- Resolved an issue with previewing template assessments from the Digital library when playing the template assessment in an iframe.
- Fixed an issue where using the Editor > Find activity tool wouldn't always scroll the user to the activity they searched for and selected.
- Fixed an issue where the collapse/expand button in the side panel of the Editor > Scheduling tab didn't work
Updates in version 2023.7.18.1508
Additions, Removal, or Changes:
- None.
- None.
New and updated articles
Note: The Buzz UI updates from 7/13 impact many of the screenshots in our documentation, and we haven't included all of those updated articles here. If you need a full list of the articles impacted by this change for your own documentation purposes, please contact Ryan at