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Agilix Learning Suite Release Notes

Buzz Release Notes (2023-06-08; v3.0.346) New student accommodations setting to pause activity passwords

  • Updated:

A round-up of all improvements and changes to the Buzz platform in version v3.0.346 available on June 8, 2023.

Note: Release note articles reflect the state of the product on the date they are originally published. Always note the date in the title when reviewing content and follow the links in the notes to articles that are kept current.

Coming soon to Buzz!

We announce significant upcoming features and changes in a standalone Coming soon article that appears at the top of the What's new section.  

Check out what’s coming soon to Buzz!

Coming to Buzz: Summer 2023

Assessment template updates

We have been rolling out various security updates for Assessment templates. None of these updates are expected to have negative effects. Interested partners can reach out to Agilix Support to request that the features be enabled on a domain for advanced preview and testing.

New student accommodations setting to pause activity passwords

We've introduced a new student Accommodations setting that allows administrators to pause activity password requirements for individual students for a period of time. This setting can be useful in situations where students are unable to access the password, but still need to complete work. For example, in a course where passwords are provided during class, but a student is unable to attend due to illness or hospitalization.

The Ignore activity passwords accommodation overrides an activity password that is assigned in an activity editor's Visibility and access card.

Learn more: How do I record Accommodations and Individual Education Programs (IEPs) for existing students?


In this release, we also:

  • Fixed a styling issue in the Teacher app where the Due date was cut off in the Editor > Group settings tab.
  • Fixed an issue in the Assessment question editor where, after inserting an image within a line of text and previewing the question, the image would jump to the end of the line of text.
  • Fixed an issue where Activity themes were not being correctly displayed through Publish Anywhere.
  • Fixed a styling issue where the Create account form on the sign in screen wouldn't be displayed on operating systems using dark mode.
  • Fixed an issue when creating an account from the sign-in screen where a message was delivered to users that they could sign in when a token had been configured incorrectly.


Updates in version 2023.6.9.1464

Additions, Removal, or Changes:

  • GetWorkInProgress2: A new parameter, inline, to specify whether the file should be displayed in a browser or if it should be downloaded.
  • CreateCommandTokens: Added documentation about the token’s maximum length, which is 8192 characters.
  • User data schema: Added a new attribute, ignorepasswordsuntil, to specify whether the user should be able to bypass activity visibility and assessment security passwords.
  • GetAttempt: Added a new attribute, utcoffset, to indicate the shift between the user’s timezone and UTC.


  • None

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