Dawn: Questions & Answers

Course Purchasing steps - shopping cart approach?

Steve Jeffs
Is it possible to adapt the course purchase sequence to allow it to operate more like a shopping cart? This would increase usability as it matches user expectation - going from a course page in the catalog to a separate register page feels inconsistent as the user loses connection to their desired purchase - yet all of the log in/registration details can be collected on a purchase page, as they register personal and payment details. Also, can we track data for people who have dropped off at different stages of the purchase sequence? I would love to be able to make data informed decisions to increase engagement and click throughs on the catalog pages. Smoothing the user journey from catalog to purchase to course engagement will help to increase B2C users and allow us more confidence to market our courses to the general public. At the moment, the flow is not compelling, so we limit exposure to the catalog and course purchasing pages.


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