Dawn: Questions & Answers

People Acuity CEO

Tony Murphy
I've been working with Nikki Humphreys to resolve an issue. We have not been able to sych our Strip account to Agilix. Nikki send this email to us: From our developers: It appears that they have had two accounts associated with their Dawn website. 1. People Acuity Inc - acct_1HkYlVClB1ejy7BR - dmurphy@peopleacuity.com 2. People Acuity, Inc - acct_1AVLFIJqaRvsWcRA - tmurphy@peopleacuity.com Account #2 is the account that is currently associated with the Dawn website. Account #1, the one without the comma, that has the charge associated with it. [cidimage001.png@01D6E837.05579700] You can see from the Dawn Billing statement that the Stripe charge ID is ch_1I1OIsClB1ejy7BRnm6tGDpL. This matches up with the charge shown above. [cidimage002.png@01D6E837.05579700] It appears that account #1 was associated with the Dawn website on Nov 6, 2020 by dmurphy@peopleacuity.com. Since the charge in question was made before Jan 6, 2021 they need to look for the charge on account #1 and execute the refund there. Hope that helps, Please note that People Acuity only has one Stripe account. dmurphy@peopleacuity.com originally set up the Dawn account - maybe twice as she had trouble. I was directed to complete the sych of our account to Agilix earlier this month and did so as tmurphy@peopleacuity.com. The bottom line is that we are not getting all of our client purchases data showing up in the Stripe account. We need to refund a couple of cc purchases and the transactions don't appear in the Stripe account. I need help to merge or agilix data to our Stripe account. Tony

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