I've been working with Nikki Humphreys to resolve an issue. We have not been able to sych our Strip account to Agilix. Nikki send this email to us:
From our developers:
It appears that they have had two accounts associated with their Dawn website.
1. People Acuity Inc - acct_1HkYlVClB1ejy7BR - dmurphy@peopleacuity.com
2. People Acuity, Inc - acct_1AVLFIJqaRvsWcRA - tmurphy@peopleacuity.com
Account #2 is the account that is currently associated with the Dawn website. Account #1, the one without the comma, that has the charge associated with it.
You can see from the Dawn Billing statement that the Stripe charge ID is ch_1I1OIsClB1ejy7BRnm6tGDpL. This matches up with the charge shown above.
It appears that account #1 was associated with the Dawn website on Nov 6, 2020 by dmurphy@peopleacuity.com. Since the charge in question was made before Jan 6, 2021 they need to look for the charge on account #1 and execute the refund there.
Hope that helps,
Please note that People Acuity only has one Stripe account. dmurphy@peopleacuity.com originally set up the Dawn account - maybe twice as she had trouble. I was directed to complete the sych of our account to Agilix earlier this month and did so as tmurphy@peopleacuity.com. The bottom line is that we are not getting all of our client purchases data showing up in the Stripe account. We need to refund a couple of cc purchases and the transactions don't appear in the Stripe account.
I need help to merge or agilix data to our Stripe account.
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