Buzz: Product Feedback

Enhanced Idle Timeout Features

Feature idea (LEVEL 1)
Michael Denton

The state of Arizona has some very regulations on funding online education and ADE auditors can reject all funding for a given student if the activity time reports have irregularities.To aid in gathering the most accurate reporting, two enhancement would be greatly appreciated.

  1. If a student opens a second window stop the timer on the current activity or, at least, ask the student if they would like to close the activity in the other screen. (Currently, activity start times and their durations can overlap each other, causing enrollment activity time to be billed twice.)
  2. Allow a domain to activate a "Are you still there?" popup, 30 to 60 seconds before an auto logout occurs. (If the Idle Timeout is set to a relatively low value, reading activities and watching videos might cause an inappropriate timeout. This feature would allow them to confirm that they are still actively engaged in learning and appease state auditors who are ultimately paying by the minute for online education)


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