Buzz: Product Feedback

Last submission date

Feature idea (LEVEL 1)
Melissa Moreno

Would you please add a column to the gradebook that says "Last submission date"? This is more useful than the "Last Login Date". Students have figured out that if the log in to the course this date updates, but that does not necessarily equate to their actually working in the course and submitting an assignment. Having both dates available in the gradebook from the regular gradebook view (without having to go into each student's grade page) would be so much more meaningful for the instructor.

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Prissy Metting

This would be most helpful!!!!! 

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Brittany Mee

I definitely agree that a "last submission date" would be more helpful than a "last login date" for the reasons that Melissa stated!

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T.O. Bakken

This would be great. I have several students who have figured out the login "work around" so that they stay out of trouble with their parents until monthly reviews come around.

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