Buzz: Questions & Answers

Descendent Domain Not Working

Julianne Cochran
We worked through the LTI 1.3 tool to integrate Turnitin but it is not appearing in our descendent (child) domains. We checked all settings against the directions. Can someone help us out?

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Allison Shepherd
  • Agilix team member

Good afternoon Julianne,

If you have not done so, you will need to login directly to the domain that is using the LTI integration to utilize it. If you continue to encounter your reported behavior after directly authenticating to the domain where the LTI integration is being used, please provide us with the domain ID where you have established the LTI integration and the course ID where you are attempting to utilize the integration, and I will be more than happy to look into this further for you! 

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Julianne Cochran

Thank you!  We actually learned that our domains are not set up as descendent domains. We have one district office domain where we can make edits that impact the four others.  Is there a way to integrate so that we only have to make changes at the district office domain or do we need to make these edits at each domain?

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Allison Shepherd
  • Agilix team member

Hi Julianne,

The simplest approach here would be to place the LTI integration in the highest domain shared by all four child domains. This way, you only need to manage two integrations. Another option is to place the LTI integration in an even higher domain so that it's inherited by all domains.

If you're worried about subdomains being able to edit the LTI tool, rest assured that this is prevented by specifying that the LTI should inherit to subdomains. This means the LTI settings won't appear in the Domain Settings of the child domains because it's controlled from the domain where it was initially set up. This gives you more control over who can access the LTI tool integration, especially for subdomains where you don't want it to be used.

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