Buzz: Questions & Answers

Ability for Learners to Search all Content by Keyword

Michele Nickels
Perhaps this exists on the learner side and we are missing it. Is there a way for learners to search the content within the Buzz LMS course that they are enrolled in for grade and credit (not the Agilix Buzz Help Documents/Center) by keyword? This would be helpful for learners to be able to type in that word and have those content pages pop versus having to expand many folders or search through multiple pages of content to locate what they are looking for. Thank you for your assistance, Michele

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Allison Shepherd
  • Agilix team member

Good afternoon Michele,

On the Activities page, there is a search bar that students can use to search using keywords to find activities and folders within a course. Here is where that can be found:


If this is not what you are looking to do, could you please clarify what exactly you would like students to be able to do, and where you would like this feature to be present?

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