Buzz: Questions & Answers

How to create a "Master" course

Heath Hamrick

What are the steps to create or designate a course as a "master" course?  I have a created course that I would like my teachers to be able to copy (as derivative sibling), but those options are not shown when we create a "copy of the course".  I'm sure I am missing a step somewhere! 

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Scott Taylor

You are able to make a derivative sibling copy if the course you are attempting to copy currently has a master course above it, regardless of if there are enrollments in that course or not. If you are trying to copy a course that does not have a master and has student enrollments already the only option available will be to create a static copy. If you are trying to make a copy of a course that does not have a master and also does not have any student enrollments then you will be able to make a child copy of the course.

In each of these situations to be able to make a copy of the course the user needs to have access to the course that is desired to be copied, either through domain permissions, through an enrollment, or via a subscription to the course.

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Heath Hamrick

The answer that seemed to practically work was that I could not make a "master" course unless that course was empty of enrollments (even owner/user enrollment). Once that was done, it was able to be coped as a derivative. 

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Kristal Swayze

But how do I make a copy of the course that is empty of enrollments

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