Buzz: Questions & Answers

Domain Periods Populating in Courses

Lauren Bracamontez
As the domain administrator, I created the term and periods within the domain setting to be labeled for our school year and each of our quarters (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4). Our courses are all on the same school year in the term field in the course settings but when they select the grading periods, it populates "Period 1, Period 2, Period 3, Period 4" instead of our quarter titles. Is there a way for this to auto populate or do teachers all need to type in the correct period names?

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Allison Shepherd
  • Agilix team member

Good afternoon Lauren,

Thank you for posting in the Agilix Help Center! I look forward to helping you find a solution.

Without more detailed information, it is difficult for me to know exactly why this is occurring. Possible causes may include not logging in to the specific domain to see the domain defined school year/periods, or the course not being aligned to the domain school year and periods. For additional information about setting up and utilizing domain grading periods, please refer to this help center article.

If you are still experiencing issues, please provide the domain ID where the school year is defined as well as a course ID that is not populating the correct grading periods, so that I can investigate further. 

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