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How to I overcome an 'Access Denied' message in my course

Berry Terrill
Hi, I am registered for an Agilix Buzz Credit Recovery course: GEOM-041-CR: GEOMETRY, PART 1. Unfortunately, I failed the course pretest and cannot proceed any further. Whenever I try, I get a message 'Access denied'. I’m desperate to spend my summer working on credit recovery, but time is running out because of this roadblock. My school teacher can’t help due to a family health emergency. What can I do to access course content and move on with my work?

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Steven Martins
  • Agilix team member

Hi Berry,

To address receiving an "Access denied" message and being prevented from proceeding further in the course, I recommend reaching out to your online education institution. They would be in the best position to assist you with this specific course and provide the necessary support.

Since I don't have access to your enrollment and the specific activity in question, it's difficult for me to determine the exact cause of what you've reported. However, an "Access denied" message generally indicates that the request to access a particular page or resource within the course is prohibited. There could be various reasons for this, such as the activity being marked as hidden to students or other permissions-related settings.

I understand your urgency to continue working on the course, and I apologize for any delays or inconvenience caused by this roadblock. By reaching out to your online education institution, they will be able to investigate further, provide guidance, and help you regain access to the course content so you can continue with your work.

This post was made to the Agilix Help Center, which is the maker of the online education environment you are using. While we strive to provide assistance and support, your educational institution has access to your course and will address any potential issues specific to your account.

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