Buzz: Questions & Answers

Log in screen display customization

Laura Green
How do you remove the course name from the log in page without removing the name internally? For example, in the tutorial you provide for customizing the log in screen ( you have the title of the course as 'Demo Academy'. What if I have a logo I upload that includes the name and don't want it displayed in white beside it? Is there a way to remove that and center the logo instead?

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Allison Shepherd
  • Agilix team member

Good morning Laura,

The entire login page except the upper toolbar can be customized through Domain Settings - Login Page field (see below screenshot). I would recommend you test by creating a JPG image file and uploading it to the domain using the steps of the article I linked above. You would need to create and edit your image file through an image editor program until it looks correct and test it by uploading it to Buzz. Additional adjustments to the image may be needed till it looks correct in Buzz. Alternatively, you could create it through an HTML file and upload it to the domain.


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