Buzz: Product Feedback

Student gradebook not loading after recent update for some courses

Jordan Bender

One of our teachers let us know that when she tries to view a students grade book for a few courses from the performance tab of a student, nothing loads. After proxying as a few other teachers, it appears they also are having this issue. It seems this issue happened after the most recent update. The few courses that are not loading are courses that are not in our main domain. Is it possible some domain permissions got messed up after the recent update? 

If you need more info I can take a video of what happens and share that.

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Allison Shepherd
  • Agilix team member

Good morning Jordan,

I apologize that users are encountering this reported behavior! Can you please provide an example user ID of a teacher that is experiencing this behavior, as well as a course ID and student ID that they are unable to view? These would allow for us to investigate the behavior further.

Also, can you clarify the phrase "nothing loads?" Do you mean the grades, or both the grades and the student names don't display? Can the teacher see the students and their grade data when they set the teacher grade book display option to include inactive enrollments?

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Jordan Bender

I should clarify: It's not a course gradebook that isn't loading, it's the students grades page that isn't loading.

This is what it looks like when the teacher tries to view the students grades. Also when they try to view a different tab like the the Dashboard or For Me tab, nothing happens. It stays on the Grades tab. Then if I try to refresh the page, the whole page goes blank and white. 

Teacher User ID: 123668065
Student ID: 73137961
Course ID: 133321706 ESO Orientation

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Allison Shepherd
  • Agilix team member

When looking into your example, I see the detailed information populated when viewing the student gradebook in the admin app and also after proxying as the student. I am not able to replicate your reported behavior. 

On a separate note, there are hundreds of active student enrollments in this course, which is causing long wait times for the gradebook data to load in the teachers gradebook. You may want to consider changing student enrollment status' to something other than Active, or enroll students in a copied version of the course to spread the enrollments out to improve page performance.

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Allison Shepherd
  • Agilix team member

Thank you for the video, Jordan! I was able to watch it, however, I deleted the video link because there was information seen within it that may not have been desired to be seen on a public forum.

It is not populating data for user ID 123668065 because the user does not have domain rights to access course ID 133321706 where the student is enrolled. The domain ID where that course resides is 8323627. The user would need to have domain course permissions granted to domain ID 8323627 to access the course and see the course data populate in the grades page. 

However, the student does see the information populated after I proxied as their user. 

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Jordan Bender

Was there something that was changed/fixed in the most recent update? Or possibly a bug was introduced? The teachers didn't have any issues before the most recent update. This morning I proxied as that teacher before I had updated and everything worked fine. Then I updated to the most recent version of Buzz and proxied as that teacher and then ran into the issue. 

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Jordan Bender

I tried granting the domain permissions that should allow the teacher to see those courses, but it doesn't seem to be working still. Are these the correct permissions or am I missing something?

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Allison Shepherd
  • Agilix team member

We are not aware of any changes made in this most recent release contributing to your reported behavior. 

When proxied as user ID 123668065, I am now able to view the grade details page for student ID 73137961 in course ID 133321706. 

There may have been a slight delay after granting permissions and refreshing the page before the user can utilize the new permissions. 

Additionally, student ID 73137961 has not done any work or been scored in any activities, so the teacher shouldn't expect a score to display until at least one of the activities are scored.

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Jordan Bender

Thanks for your help! I guess we will go through all of our teachers and grant the correct permissions.

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Allison Shepherd
  • Agilix team member

As a note, user ID 123668065 isn't enrolled as a teacher in any courses. If they are going to teach the course, enrolling them in the course with a teacher role should allow them to see that information as well.

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