Buzz: Product Feedback

Be able to view and edit your templates ALL the time, not just when you have courses and assignments

Feature idea (LEVEL 1)
Natasha Viecco
I would love to be able to work on templates, but they can't be accessed unless a student submits work. We should have access to our templates ALL the time.

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Allison Shepherd
  • Agilix team member

Good morning Natasha,

Can you provide additional information/examples and clarification on what is the current behavior you are encountering and what you are expecting? This will help our understanding to shape our investigation.

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Natasha Viecco


For examples, we only have access to grading templates once we have courses loaded. I would like to have the ability to be able to change and edit my templates over the summer when I do not have access to courses yet.  

Also, it would be helpful if there was a feature where we could add a zero and a retry at the same time instead of having to do each individually.

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