The release on 3/11/2021 had this:
• Improved the Admin > Users > Enrollments screen by adding a Term column (which appears as a School year column where enabled).
This is fantastic. It really helps us filter to the correct semester that we're trying to look at. Huge help!!!
Here's the ask - and you please add a Description column to the Admin>Users screen. We put our grade levels and for the high school graduation cohort in there. It would quickly let us filter by a certain grade. It would also let us more easily see old accounts that we could make inactive and move to archived sub-domains, helping us keep everything cleaner and more current. Please consider adding this very useful column and ensuring that it is filterable as well.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
I'm happy you saw that, Jeremy Walker. I thought you would like that. ;)
Adding the description column is considerably more tricky due to how it can be used and how we index it. I would like to suggest an alternative.
Instead of using the "description" to add grade levels, cohort, etc., you could create new user metadata fields for your users. See How do I create User Metadata fields? You can then have these fields added to the Users tool and filter by them. Would this meet your need?
If that information can be input/updated through an API command, I could see if we'd be willing to pay the SDS company to change their programming to put that information in a different location. That's where we put it b/c when we started with BrainHoney, that's where you all advised us to put such info (didn't have those fancy User Metadata fields back then) so it might be a bit of a tough sell; from their perspective, the data is already in the system.
Are you able to give me a sample of what the API command would look like so I could have that ready if we have those conversations?
Also, that won't really help with cleaning up the past users. Am I able to pull a report that would list the descriptions and the identifiers I would need so I could then use that report to build a command to make the user inactive and/or move them to the right sub-domain?
Comments (3)
I'm happy you saw that, Jeremy Walker. I thought you would like that. ;)
Adding the description column is considerably more tricky due to how it can be used and how we index it. I would like to suggest an alternative.
Instead of using the "description" to add grade levels, cohort, etc., you could create new user metadata fields for your users. See How do I create User Metadata fields? You can then have these fields added to the Users tool and filter by them. Would this meet your need?
If that information can be input/updated through an API command, I could see if we'd be willing to pay the SDS company to change their programming to put that information in a different location. That's where we put it b/c when we started with BrainHoney, that's where you all advised us to put such info (didn't have those fancy User Metadata fields back then) so it might be a bit of a tough sell; from their perspective, the data is already in the system.
Are you able to give me a sample of what the API command would look like so I could have that ready if we have those conversations?
Also, that won't really help with cleaning up the past users. Am I able to pull a report that would list the descriptions and the identifiers I would need so I could then use that report to build a command to make the user inactive and/or move them to the right sub-domain?
Yes and yes.
This is how the data is modeled in the API.
So, if the "name" (ID) of the metadata field was `gradeLevel`, the element in the data node would be `meta-gradeLevel`.
You can use the "User export" report to download all users in a domain with their description.
You can also use the ListCourses API to retrieve this data (e.g., listusers&select=data(description)&domainid=123456).