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Expand lesson content to full screen

Feature idea (LEVEL 1)
Lizzie Donovan
There isn't a way to make the lesson content go full screen unless it's a video, because of the top and bottom bars. As a result, there's a lot of scrolling involved because part of the content is always below the fold, even on a 15" screen. This happens even when I make Chrome go into full-screen mode and the only way to have all of the content available without scrolling is the zoom out to 75%. That's not great for my child's eyes and scrolling is frustrating, especially when there are game-like online tasks. Scrolling also results in accidental clicks, which in turn result in accidental wrong answers. Could you please consider making it possible to expand the main lesson content to full screen and hide the top and bottom bars? That would be a significant improvement, in my opinion.

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Rebecca Gerl

Hi Lizzie,


They have a way to take away the top and bottom bars. It was a game changer when I found out about it. Here is a video I made on it. Feel free to share it. 


Making the screen bigger x 2

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Lizzie Donovan

Thanks, Rebecca! However, what you show are workarounds (going full screen and cheating the system by opening only the content in a new tab), not an official "go full screen" button that is child-friendly and easy to access. Really appreciate your video, though - made life a lot easier!

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Todd Norton

Thank you Rebecca!!  (If you ever run for public office, you have my vote.)

As I was detailing some criticism about this issue, I came across this discussion and so included your tip in my video complaint. Your trick is a "game changer" alright.

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