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Google Doc Editable assignment

Ginny Muse

I am looking to attach an assignment that is created in Google Docs. However when I attach the google doc it has the students editing on my original doc instead of their own. When i go to settings submission type there isnt an submission type: choose template option. Any suggestions?

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Amanda Duvall

When in Edit mode student can do File, make a copy. I would like to know how to have the student get the document then submit to the same assignment so I do not make one assignment to hand it out and other to get it back. 

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Audrey Lukrofka

When inserting a Google Doc, you will need to force a copy of the document so that your students get their own copy. They will then share that copy with you through email. 


You cannot assign a Doc in the system with a "Make a copy for each student" feature like Google Classroom - it will open the doc in edit mode, view only mode, or you can force a copy by changing the URL. 

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