Buzz: Questions & Answers

Printables in each module

Leanne Lacey
Is there someplace on Buzz that I can go to get every printable my students will need per module? I just want to prepare any papers that my families without printers will need.

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Amy Woods

I have the same question. I am needing to print every printable in each module for our students that do not have printers at home. I am not asking about printing the submissions. I am talking about the "worksheets"  students need to print for an activity/assignment. 

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Carolyn Pellegrini

I also have this question.  I would like a file of the printable assignments for each of my elementary courses. Most families do not have a printer.  This should be something that is easily found in a teacher's guide for each course.

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Carolyn Pellegrini

I can't access that link.  Is that through your district?

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Brian Williams
  • Agilix team member

I am sorry to say there is not a place provided by Buzz where you can locate "every printable in each module". This sounds like something a course author would need to add to their syllabus.  

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Brian Williams
  • Agilix team member

Hi Leanne:

I am not sure I fully understand your question. Are you asking about printing submissions made by students? Currently we allow printing scores through the student gradebook. 

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