Buzz: Questions & Answers

Using Preview for a Group Assessment

Annette Walaszek
Hello Buzz Support, We are using student groups to reduce the number of questions on an assessment. When we go into the assessment settings, choose the Group and reduce the number of questions, the settings adjustment appears to save. However, when still in settings, we choose to Preview the assessment with the Group selected, we see the original number of questions. This was a bit confusing and so we also checked by logging in as the student. Fortunately, as seen by the student, the number of questions was reduced. Is this the expected functionality for the settings Preview? If it is, could this be changed so that selecting to view as the group would give a true picture of the number of questions the student will see. Thank you!

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Trevor Williams
  • Agilix team member

Good morning Annette! Thank you for bringing this to my attention!

If possible, may I please be provided with a course ID and activity ID where this reported behavior is currently occurring? Also can I please be provided with reproduction steps that will allow me to encounter the reported behavior?

Please note that there is a "View as" option next to the profile picture to preview the exam by a specific group or student once the page is being previewed. That option may be used instead of moving over to the student role to confirm the content changes (please see the attached screenshot).

Thank you!

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Annette Walaszek

Thanks for the quick response, Trevor!

We've tested in a playground course 214376990 with Group TestGroup on Activity 5U9ER_quiz. Thanks for the mention of the View As option. I do see we are able to drill down to our test student view there, but then I get the "You must be enrolled as a student to continue" message and can't see the number of assessment questions from that view. 

Reproduction Steps

Assessment>Settings>Choose the Filter by Group Icon in the top right

Select TestGroup and Change Desired Number of Questions from 10 to 6


Select Preview in the top right (viewing as TestGroup appears) and click start - to still see 10 questions.

(Login as the playground student and see only 6 questions - the expected outcome!)



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Brian Williams
  • Agilix team member

Hello Annette!

This is expected behavior. When you select a group in the activity editor, you are making changes to that group’s version of the activity. This works as expected when viewing content that is only visible to that group. If you select all groups, what you see is the version of that activity without any group-specific changes. 

When you filter by group in the activity player, you get the content specific to that group; however assessments are not the same. Assessments are based on attempts, which are enrollment-specific. When a student starts an assessment, it is specific to them and is the state of the assessment when it was started. This is why if you add a question after a student started a test, they don’t see it because that started an attempt that doesn’t have the newly-added question. Because of this behavior, a teacher or admin is not seeing the student, or group version of the assessment. You would need to sign on as a student and start the assessment to see questions that are group-specific. 

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Annette Walaszek

Thank you, Brian, for the clarification and detailed explanation! 


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