Buzz: Questions & Answers

Is there a way to see previously sent messages in the communications tab?

Rachel Hunter
I sent a message to one of my teachers, I want to make sure it went through as one of my other messages did not go through. Is there a way for me to do that?

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Allison Shepherd
  • Agilix team member

Good morning Rachel,

We have forwarded your report to the BYU-IS support center, and they should be in touch with you shortly. I understand that it can be frustrating when emails don't go through, and this can happen for various reasons such as network firewalls or recipients blocking addresses. To help us investigate further, could you please try sending the email again through both your online learning environment and your personal mail client? This will help us determine if the issue persists on both platforms or just one.

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Rachel Hunter

This doesn’t answer my question of if there is a sent file. If so why isn’t there one? It would be helpful for me to know that my emails went through. It went through partially to some TAs so it’s an issue with not having current emails, as some of the TAs had byu emails and likely graduated or left the job.

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