Buzz: Product Feedback

Buzz Beta Editor needs the tool bar moved.

Implemented feature idea or fixed bug
Wendy Cooley

Hi!  In Buzz Beta Editor, the editing toolbar is at the top of the given page.  This scrolls up out of sight when I am down at the bottom of my page.  This is not useful.  I would like the editing toolbar to be a fixed feature up by the title of the assignment page instead of scrolling with the page itself.


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Wendy Cooley

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Wendy Cooley

I've noticed that I have not gotten any feedback on this.  I am really having a hard time working in the Editor pages because I cannot see the tool bar when I am scrolled down a page.  I have to shrink the font to teeny tiny so that I can see a whole page and still see the editor.  Please, can you give me some feedback on this??  Is anyone else having an issue with this?  Is there a fix that can help me?

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

Hey Wendy, we document every request but don't always provide feedback for every one. We do have an upcoming update that will better help editing a lot of content that does not fit on the screen. When it is available, it will be announced in the release notes.

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Wendy Cooley

Thank you.  I have decided to do a work around on this issue and stop using the Buzz splashscreen editor.  I am now going to Google docs for all the pages that I can since that is easier to work with.  I love the fact that we can attach google docs and have them come right up!  GREAT!


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Cory Bagozzi

Wendy, we recently released a "Full Screen" button on the editor toolbar. This gives the author full screen visibility with what they are working on, and keeps the toolbar docked at the top of the screen so it is always available. It toggles on and off so it is really simple when you are ready to move away from authoring and get back to editing (settings, etc). Give it a try, and thanks for the feedback.

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Kevin McBride

I came on today to make this same comment. I do really like the "full screen" button. 


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