Buzz: Product Feedback

I would like a Due Date on Retries

Implemented feature idea or fixed bug
Joe Bysiek

I would like the option for retries to go away when in a new grading period.  That way students grades will not change after the grading period is over if they go back and redo it.

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Jeremy Walker


If you set the due date without a grace period, students can't access those items even if given a retry.

You can do this on each item in the curriculum map or you can do it via the gradebook on each item as well.  Via the gradebook just click on the assignment name at the top of the column.  That'll open the item grader window.  From there you just click Stop at the top.  That button puts on an effective due date of when you click it and doesn't include a grade period.

Hope that helps.

For the Buzz folk, a way to select multiple assignments at once and be able to click stop for all of them would be a real time-saver for those who like Joe want to close off everything in the past.


Joe, as another alternative, you could just set the end of the nine weeks as the due date when you open that item up to your students.

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Kevin McBride

From what I inferred from Joe's suggestions is wanting to set a due date for an individual student and only give a strict period of time. For example, perhaps a student will only have 10 days from the date of hen the retry was given. This would save the student from doing and the teacher from grading what could be out-of-date assignments.

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Kevin McBride

Another thought to add to this. What if I would like to assign a due date so students know the date I expect it to be completed, but I will still take assignments and retries even after the due date?  When the grading period is over, I would still like students to be able to go back and submit.

Is there a way to assign a due date and set the end of the grading period as the grace period?

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