Buzz: Product Feedback

Observers (i.e. Parents) seeing enrollments past end date

Implemented feature idea or fixed bug
Jeremy Walker

Parents have been complaining that they see all of the past enrollments for their children, including those of graduated children.  They would like to only see the current observed enrollments.

On a personal note, if there would be any way to fix that (or have an estimated fix date) before tomorrow evening when I'm getting in front of the community to do a parent presentation on Buzz, I would be eternally grateful (and willing to ship chocolate wherever you tell me to).

If this is intentional, please let me know what I can do via dlap, etc. to make everything disappear a different way.



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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

Jeremy, this Thursday, we plan on implementing an enhancement that would not display future enrollments for observers and remove them 2 weeks after the enrollment has ended.

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

Jeremy, I am looking into this. I'll give you some feedback later today.

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Jeremy Walker

That's fabulous new, Brad.  I can definitely work with that.  I'll be able to let parents know tomorrow night that this will be resolved after Thursday.  That's more awesome than I can tell you.  Let me know where the chocolate needs to go.

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

This feature was included in today's release. Check it out here

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John Struchynski

Should an observer still see students listed in the observer drop-down menu when the observed enrollments, of these students, have been completed AND its 2 weeks (or more) past the enrollment end date?

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Jeremy Walker


We have the same issue.  Apparently, the observed students will continue to show up even if there are no active enrollments to view as long as those completed enrollment stay in that user's account.  We have this issue with parents whose students have graduated.  The only fix at this time, I believe, is to delete out the observed enrollments.  If you remove all of them for a particular student, that student will disappear for the drop off.

Hopefully Brad will tell us that this is something they are working on changing.

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